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About Fireside Reiki

Reiki helps. 
I can't explain why. 

Just as a cell phone's battery can be refilled by placing the phone on a charging pad, a person's energy can be refilled by receiving a Reiki treatment. I cannot explain why it works, but I know from experience that it does. 
Using light touch, I send energy through my hands to focused locations, helping the recipient to relax. Relaxing, in turn, helps a person heal.
The process may be an energy transfer too subtle for science to measure yet. Or maybe it's as simple as one person pouring light and love into another. 


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The Team

Fireside Reiki is currently one Reiki Master,
Louise Lucas; one liaison, who is six; and one cat, who might or might not accept an invitation to join in. 
We are delighted to make referrals to other practitioners in San Diego County via
They make up "The Team."

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Louise Lucas

Reiki Master Practitioner

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K. A. Lucas


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Valerie Lucas


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